(1) I have uploaded the genome fasta and GFF annotation in the mysql data using following command of Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store
./bp_seqfeature_load.pl -c -d WS240 -u xxx -p xxx c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS240.genomic.fa c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS240.annotations.gff3
(2) Following tables are inserted into my database WS240
| Tables_in_WS240 |
| attribute |
| attributelist |
| feature |
| locationlist |
| meta |
| name |
| parent2child |
| sequence |
| typelist |
(3) Now I want to make query in the mysql to extract the sequence and its feature using following commands:
use strict;
use Bio::DB::GFF;
my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(-dsn => 'dbi:mysql:database=WS240',
-user => 'XXX',
-pass => 'XXX',
-aggregators => 'gene_model{coding_exon,5_UTR,3_UTR/CDS}');
my $gene_stream = $db->get_seq_stream('gene_model:curated');
while (my $gene = $gene_stream->next_seq) {
print $gene->name,"\n";
for my $part ($gene->get_SeqFeatures) {
print "\t",join("\t",$part->method,$part->start,$part->end),"\n";
print "\n";
(4) I am getting following error:
------------- EXCEPTION: Bio::Root::Exception -------------
MSG: Couldn't execute query SELECT fref,fstart,fstop,fsource,fmethod,fscore,fstrand,fphase,gclass,gname,ftarget_start,ftarget_stop,fdata.fid,fdata.gid
FROM fdata,ftype,fgroup
WHERE fgroup.gid = fdata.gid
AND ftype.ftypeid = fdata.ftypeid
AND ((fmethod = ? AND fsource = ?) OR (fmethod = ? AND fsource = ?) OR (fmethod = ? AND fsource = ?) OR (fmethod = ? AND fsource = ?))
ORDER BY fgroup.gname:
Table 'WS240.fdata' doesn't exist
STACK: Error::throw
STACK: Bio::Root::Root::throw /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Bio/Root/Root.pm:368
STACK: Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::caching_handle::do_query /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Bio/DB/GFF/Adaptor/dbi/caching_handle.pm:123
STACK: Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::range_query /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Bio/DB/GFF/Adaptor/dbi.pm:627
STACK: Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::get_features_iterator /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Bio/DB/GFF/Adaptor/dbi.pm:1008
STACK: Bio::DB::GFF::_features /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Bio/DB/GFF.pm:3476
STACK: Bio::DB::GFF::features /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Bio/DB/GFF.pm:1091
STACK: Bio::DB::GFF::get_seq_stream /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Bio/DB/GFF.pm:1132
STACK: ./aa.pl:12
(5) Could you kindly suggest me what is wrong with the script (3), what is the best approach to make query with mysql. I also used the bp_bulk_load_gff.pl
(Bio::DB::GFF)</a>) to upload the GFF file into mysql but not working well.
Just to add a bit here,
isn't really supported anymore and it doesn't support all the features of GFF3. I highly suggest usingBio::DB::SeqFeature::Store