To list here the possible filters you can pass into VCFTools would be an exercise in redundancy. The documentation does a good job of laying them all out.
You're specifying the genotype quality filter correctly--are you saying that you're getting the same number of lines in your output file? If you're not sure, here's a quick way to check the total number of lines in the input and output files:
wc -l input.vcf
wc -l output.vcf
You should also check to see if the "GQ" tag is actually in your VCF file. Depending on what software was used to generated the VCF, there might not be Genotype Quality data for all sites, which is what VCFTools requires..
I did a word count before and after, it gives me the same number of SNPs.
I tried the same with the --minDP (depth), the number of SNPs remain a constant here as well.
I used bcftools to generate the VCF. Also, I checked for the GQ tag, it exists.
I did a word count before and after, it gives me the same number of SNPs.
I tried the same with the --minDP (depth), the number of SNPs remain a constant here as well.
I used bcftools to generate the VCF. Also, I checked for the GQ tag, it exists.
Would you be willing to post a dropbox (or google drive, or something similar) link to your VCF file?
Here's a link to it. |
Thanks! Answer updated.