Is there a software package for GWASs that can include an interaction effect (SNP x predictor) in the regression using dosage data?
Is there a software package for GWASs that can include an interaction effect (SNP x predictor) in the regression using dosage data?
Can you use PLINK2?
That provides an interaction term for the linear regression... In terms of the dosage data, do you have to use the probabilistic data, or would best-guess hard-calling work?
Assuming you're using a logistic regression for the underlying statistic, then you could do that in R easily enough. I'd also be very surprised if plink can't do that too.
I have the same problem recently. Just want to ask if PLINK2.0 handled your problem that - - interaction doesn’t run with dosage data. Thanks!
you could also use quicktest
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My best-guess genotypes unfortunately don't work as well as my dosage data for some reason...
I'll check if plink2 can handle dosage data in this way, thanks!
PLINK 2.0 will have proper support for dosage data, but 1.9 cannot since it is limited by the PLINK 1 file format.
SNPTEST may be your best bet for this:
snptest does not handle SNP interactions.
that version does not handle dosage data in combination with interaction...