I have an issue about get the info from DAVID.
For clustering analysis, I have about DE genes to put them into DAVID as input. I'd like to use functional annotated categories using just GO BP database. DAVID gives me about the information of significant annotated categories. But, I want to take a look about the whole annotated data and take significant categories from them using set my own threshold based on the results.
I'd tried to do with changing "options" from "functional annotated chart". As I know, the default threshold value of count are "2" and p-value is "0.1". So, I changed these two values into "0" and "1.0", respectively. But DAVID give me the about 2000 GO BP categories having more than 1.
How I get the whole information of functional cluster chart from DAVID? For example, if DAVID takes 800 GO BP categories, I'd like to the all information about 800 categories from the genes I put in.
as comment to DAVID, it has been updated to the 6.8 version on Oct 2016