I used 23andMe to download my raw genome. I have it in a .txt file but you can't use the format for real bio programs. I want to make my own library for further analysis. Does anyone know how I can convert .TXT to FASTA, GenBank, or any other usable file type?
Can you provide an example of what your data looks like? Then if you could provide an example of what you want the output to look like that would also help.
there are about 960k lines
I'm not sure how the data should look for a usable format
The output that you get above is already the most compact form that you can get your data in. It represents the differences relative to the reference genome.
You could for example transform this to two diploid genomes in FASTA format but do you realize that your files would then be gigantic ones of many gigabytes and these files would not show you what the the changes were.
The right way to go about this is to formalize what do you want to do next with your data. Then depending on that aim people here can advise what to transform it to.
Could you convert this to FASTA though? Are the genotype alleles listed so that one sister chromosome is always first and the other is always second? Or is it random? If it's random, there's no way to construct FASTA because we don't know if, for example at 752566 and 752721 we have A-A and G-G or A-G and G-A.
If I was going to do anything with it, I think I'd want a VCF file.