I'm having an issue how to convert data. Actually, I have data file which contains tons of gene sets and genes as follows.
GO.1 GO.2 ...
811 811
1520 3638
3685 3685
8943 5719
Here, each column (gene set) contains a list of genes which are annotated on corresponding gene set. The number means ENTREZ ID of specific annotated gene. I'm trying to convert ENTREZ ID to Official gene symbol and then make output file from it. What am I supposed to do for it?
I know there are various ways to convert like this.
[1] "CALR"
But, I don't have any idea to read text file and convert data and then write it.
If reading, converting and writing data is the problem, then you need to learn the basic R skills to do this. Perhaps start with the documentation for R data import/export.