I'm trying to run tophat via an Java interface. With other mapping tools like bowtie etc. it works perfect. If i execute the tophat start command via java runtime exec() it doesn't work!
But if i copy the command into the shell it works fine...so what is wrong?!
Is it becaue of the nested program structure, that java doesn't allow tophat to execute bowtie??
Can anyone help me or has experiences about that??
As others posted without error message its difficult to give advice.[?]
Recent versions of tophat also need bowtie and samtools in the path.
You have to add the path to them to the environment when you execute the call to tophat. Although by default the subprocess should inherit our environment.[?]
Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp)
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process with the specified environment.
make sure to handle the runtime output correctly (even if its no a lot) javaworld.
post the error message that you get