Recently, I am working on the solution for generating non-crosshybridizing libraries of DNA oligonucletides. UNAFOLD( helps me very much. I applied the "hybrid-ss-min.exe" to self-dimer analysis, finally I got 400 sequences from a ssDNA pool with 100,000 sequences. Nextly, I used the "hybrid-min.exe" to calculate minimum free energy between every ssDNA and every other, then save these datas into a 400×400 matrix for building a graph. In the graph, ssDNA is represented as vertex; And if the minimum free energy of hybridization is more than some threshold value(i.e. -1kcal/mol), an edge is placed between vertices, indicating there is non-crosshybridization. So, what I need to to is to find the maximal cliques. If I can do it, I will find the non-crosshybridizing library finally. Badly, there are not tools availble for large matrix, I found a perl moudle for 10×10 matrix( and a matlab tool for 50×50 matrix( Could you please give me some advices?
Also, I find a paper about generating this kind of library, which gave a different strategy( I plan to do it with this strategy. however, the files "hybrid-ss-min.exe" and "hybrid-min.exe" can not directly return the dG value, they write dG into a file. who there has the file with the same functions. THANKS in advance.
could you repost the springerlink. 400x400 doesn't seem a very big matrix to me, presumably it isn't sparse. How big a clique(s?) do you want to find?
could you give me your address, I'll email it. it's as big as pissible, actually, I want to have about 100 sequences for tag DNA as luminex xTAG .
I'll give you pointers, but I ain't doing it. I mean, I wouldn't want to deny you the joy of solving your own problem ;0)
I mean, I'll email the paper to you, there is a different way to generate the library. And we can discuss on it.