Dear All,
I am new to circos and just created my first circos figure. Can someone help me by answering how to do the following:
In my figure, outer circle represents chromsomes, inner circle (tiles) represents gene models and links represents the gene duplications. I want to show links between the gene models (here I want to show the duplication patterns). I could create links between the chromosomal positions but can someone please tell me how to create links between the genemodels.
For links I want to use the default colors as colors of the chromosomes. From the tutorial I got how to change the colors of the chromosomes and use the same for the links but is it possible to use the default one for links as well.
Many thanks, Ritu
You are more likely to get an adequate respons to your Circos-question on the Circos forum. It's really active and the developer of Circos is really helpful.