Hi all,
For paired-end RNA-seq data I've been using featureCounts (subRead suite) because it produces a nice output, treats paired reads as a single fragment for counting, and accepts a very simple annotation file format that is easy to make.
However, when I tried to use it just now to count reads aligned to a draft genome that has more than 10,000+ scaffolds (blueberry) it crashed with a segmentation fault.
Rather than dig through the code to find out what's wrong, I'm taking a second look at htseq-count.
Does anyone know if htseq-count can accept bed files? The documentation doesn't say anything about BED files - just GFF. I found a post on BioStars somewhere that said it could take BED, but the documentation doesn't mention it.
I really, really don't want to have to convert my annotations file into GFF because GFF is so open to interpretation.
All I want is the number of fragments that overlap a set of spans on my genome. For my application, I know the general region of every gene but the fine details of where exons and introns start and end are still up in the air. Which means: I just need to know the number of fragments that map onto simple intervals that are defined by contig name, start, and end position.
Please help?
Sorry that there were two annotation-related bugs in the old featureCounts-1.4.4 version that can crash the program. We have fixed the bugs and made a new release (1.4.5) yesterday:
Can you please try the new version? I hope it can finish the task without errors.
OK I'll try it - thanks!!
Update: It's running - no more segfault.
Also I wanted to mention I like the output format. I usually keep different samples in separate BAM files, so for me it's very convenient to use featureCounts because then I can run a simple command like:
and get a table of counts w/ columns for each bam file/sample. My next step after that (usually) is to read the table into R, rename the columns (easy), and go from there.
I haven't tried the alignment capabilities of the subread package as yet but I look forward to trying it out.