I'm writing a Python program and I have to do a pairwise alignment on several thousand DNA sequences. I looked at Biopython but I couldn't fine a function to do a pairwise alignment, this may be my mistake. The function should have gap penalty, gap open, gap extension and Smith Waterman or Needleman Wunsch. Can anyone tell me where I can find a good Python package for doing this kind of alignment?
BioPython does exactly what you are asking, you probably looked in the wrong place :) You should look at the Bio.pairwise2 module. See the following example for global pairwise alignment:
from Bio import pairwise2
from Bio.SubsMat import MatrixInfo as matlist
matrix = matlist.blosum62
gap_open = -10
gap_extend = -0.5
# Only using the first 60 aas for visualization reasons..
alns = pairwise2.align.globalds(p53_human, p53_mouse, matrix, gap_open, gap_extend)
top_aln = alns[0]
aln_human, aln_mouse, score, begin, end = top_aln
print aln_human+'\n'+aln_mouse
# Comparing with EBI NEEDLE output
You can use the Bio.Emboss python package for Needleman Wunsch alignment (It is essentially a wrapper around the program).
Here is a short example copied from my code base:
from Bio.Emboss.Applications import NeedleCommandline
from Bio import AlignIO
needle_cli = NeedleCommandline(asequence=seq_fname1, \
bsequence=seq_fname2, \
gapopen=10, \
gapextend=0.5, \
"""This generates the needle file"""
"""That parses the needle file, aln[0] and aln[1] contain the aligned
first and second sequence in the usual format (e.g. - for a gap)"""
aln = AlignIO.read(needle_file, "emboss")
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/alignment/1.0.9 may be of some help