I want to compare the peaks from two separate chip seq samples.
I'm trying to use MAnorm (R version) on a MacOS unix command line, but I'm having trouble.
Now the program runs through "step1" without any errors, but it doesn't seem to be making a pair of essential files: peak1.bed
and peak2.bed
, so all downstream steps fail.
Below, please see the head of each of my test files, and the command I ran.
If you've used this tool before, do you have any idea why I'm having problems?
Thanks very much,
$ head t.*
==> t.TreatedPeaks.bed <==
1 1360 3306
1 13366 13931
1 16606 16934
1 20161 21424
1 59752 60275
1 63673 64105
1 67355 67885
1 68243 68654
1 107683 109178
1 116034 117502
==> t.controlPeaks.bed <==
1 20618 21401
1 37881 38291
1 54003 54374
1 57362 59025
1 67346 67844
1 75598 76127
1 76181 76562
1 110638 111047
1 112394 112668
1 117123 117842
==> t.controlReads.bed <==
1 2 52 -
1 11 61 -
1 32 82 -
1 32 82 -
1 32 82 -
1 32 82 -
1 37 87 +
1 37 87 -
1 47 97 -
1 62 112 -
==> t.treatedReads.bed <==
1 1 51 +
1 13 63 +
1 28 78 -
1 31 81 -
1 44 94 +
1 46 96 +
1 64 114 +
1 69 119 +
1 70 120 -
1 77 127 +
$ MAnorm.sh t.TreatedPeaks.bed t.controlPeaks.bed t.treatedReads.bed t.controlReads.bed 266 275
StepI: clean input
StepII: classify common or unique peaks
Error: Unable to open file peak1.bed. Exiting.
Error: Unable to open file peak2.bed. Exiting.
Error: Unable to open file peak1.bed. Exiting.
Error: Unable to open file peak2.bed. Exiting.
StepIII: count peak read
Error: The requested file (read1.bed) could not be opened. Error message: (No such file or directory). Exiting!
Here is the usage section of the readme.txt that comes with the MAnorm:
I. Create a folder and place in the folder MAnorm.sh, MAnorm.r, and all 4 bed files (peak file and read file for the 2 samples under comparison) to be analyzed.
II. run command: ./MAnorm.sh sample1_peakfile[BED] sample2_peakfile[BED] sample1_readfile[BED] sample2_readfile[BED] sample1_readshift_lentgh[INT] sample2_readshift_length[INT]
./MAnorm.sh sample1_peaks.bed sample2_peaks.bed sample1_read.bed sample2_read.bed 150 150
The first 4 parameters should be input files in bed format with no header lines
The first 2 files have ONLY 3 columns: chromosome, start, end.
The next 2 files should have 4 columns: chromosome, start, end, strand (+/-)The last 2 parameters are the number of bp to be shifted for each read. These two parameters are found from MACS peak file *_peaks.xls after "# d =".
Thanks for reply! That is the format I had earlier, (and I changed it back to double check), and it gave this error:
This made me think that I was using the wrong sort of names for the chromosomes. On the upside, this way it does at least make the peak1.bed file, but still no peak2.bed, and I don't know how to remedy the error its reporting for stepI. On another post, it looked like someone was using integers for chromosome names so I thought that was the answer... apparently not.
Ah, after trying things out a bit, the problem is an error on line 14 of MAnorm.sh. The line currently is:
but should be:
Gah! I saw at that
and I just thought it was some sort of notation I wasn't familiar with. Good catch! and thank you so much! I pasted that in, ran the script on my test files and now I have output files. beautiful. Thank you!