Hi were you reviewing a paper where ingenuity / metacore, or indeed HPRD/GO/etc, were used to identify coregulated clusters or functionally-related sets of genes from a microarray experiment what information would you expect to see explicitly stated in the (supplementary) methods?
To me it's not sufficient to say 'the identified genes were analysed using Ingenuity.'. Now, I'm being facetious, but I have seen this level of detail presented in papers (though typically outside of bioinfx journals).
I'd like to see a) date of access to the software/db; b) a clear definition of how genes were selected to be in the background set and 'active' sets on which the analysis was performed; c) any other user specified parameters.
However, I know that 'c)' above is rather ill-defined, so I was wondering whether any of you had any 'methods-section' recommendations for these kinds of experimetns.
Kind regards, R