I have genotyping data coming from GenomeStudio (Illumina) software from a SNP-chip, and I would like to convert this data to VCF. Does anyone know of a tool to do this? or should I write my own script to do this?
Here is how the GenomeStudio output file is formatted:
Index Name Address Chr Position GenTrain Score Sample1 Sample2
1 cnvi0000001 124680304 5 164388439 0 AA AB
It's hard for me to get access to a computer running GenomeStudio (old experiment), so I just wrote a quick python script. Thanks a lot for your answer!
Thanks a lot for your help. I finally gained access to GenomeStudio and installed the PLINK export plugin. I then used PLINK/SEQ to convert to VCF. The details for all the steps necessary to do so, can be found here.