I have variant data obtained from a tool that give variants in with reference to a genome. I had tried to analyse them, like their position effect on amino acid,...etc using snpeff, but this tool needs it in a variant call format which is obtained from sequencing experiments only. Can u suggest me any tool to analyse the snp data...or how can snpeff can be used in this case
Thank you
What's the format that you have now? It's difficult to determine what you actually have given what you've written.
I have gff3 format with me.
Thanks for your reply
Okay let me be clear. I already have snp data with insertions, deletions, indels in gff3 format.To feed it into snpeff and analyse it I need it in varient call format which needs quality, filter, information in input.so in gff3 format I am not able to make out what is quality and filter.
There's no standard way to represent variants in gff3, since that's not it's purpose. You'll just have to write a short script to convert it to VCF.