Dear friends I need advices and guidance from you. I have set of functionally related genes. i have extracted first intron of such genes. based on the literature i could find there cis-regulatory elements such as TATA box, CAAT box and GC box are there and such elements involve in transcriptional regulation. in this case I would like to find out pattern of above elements in first intron of functionally related genes.
So that I need to know how to I start such pattern recognition part..can any body guide me please....
Thank you friend your comments....dunno whether I am correct or not...dear friend I have set of sequence of first introns. I know first intron is having regulatory motifs as mentioned above. Suppose I have 700 TSP gens now I need to determine whether there is a pattern of such elements in that TSP gene sets. may be individual sequences having different arrangement of such elements and then I need to find that type of pattern presence in all TSP genes ....this the thing I really need to start....any suggestion friend?