I have a list of around 50 pdb files/fasta sequences (they do not belong to any family). I badly need to build up 10-15 consensus sequences from them representing sets of PDB files. I have used the web servers ClustalW and Consensus could not really understand the results. Please help.
Rishika CARLBio group
Thanks but cant install PAGAN
Probably because it is targeted to debian based linux environment. It would be really difficult if not impossible if you are using other linux distributions.
You need libboost libraries installed: sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options1.42-dev libboost-regex1.42-dev
If you have problems installing PAGAN, please contact the author and ask for help. You can find the contact details on the program web site.
PAGAN requires two Boost packages (available for all platforms, including OSX and Windows) but shouldn't then compile fine.
If you have problems installing PAGAN, please contact the author and ask for help. You can find the contact details on the program web site. PAGAN requires two Boost packages (available for all platforms, including OSX and Windows) but should then compile fine.