I have a non-model between species RNA-seq data set. I did the transcriptome assembly with trinity, did the SNP calling with GATK, and then called the ORFs with transdecoder. I then took this info and input it into SNPdat
The problem is that I get 20,000 SNPs labeled as non-synonymous and only 10,000 labeled as Synonymous. I know there should be waaay many more synonymous than non-so I am sort of baffled by this result. Has anyone else with a non-model system tried to annotate their SNPs? Has anyone had this problem? I would be open to use another annotation program if anyone knows one!
Hi Emma, it's hard to offer specific advice because there are so many variables in assembly, snp calling and annotation. One thing I'm not clear about is whether your SNPs are segergating withing species, or substitutions between species are both? If you split them between within- and among-species differences you might see a different pattern?