We got a Nextseq, and as the local person who has the duty of running our Hiseq/Miseq "primary analysis pipeline", I am trying to get everything set up with our current analysis pipeline and in-house lims.
I would like to collect any tips anyone has for transition to Nextseq somewhere. So far, I know that I need bcl2fastq version 2, which comes with a user guide. This appears to be a binary as opposed to the previous standalone bcl2fastq, which was a perl script that generated a shell script and the options are slightly different.
I have heard tell of picard breaking on nextseq data.
Is anyone using basespace? Illumina seems to be pushing it especially for the nextseq, but there are a few limitations that are holding us back (we use a lot of non-human-mouse-rat genomes, individual user accounts with no notion of "labs" or "groups" of any kind seem kinda weird).
So if anyone is trying to do dual indexing on the nextseq, I have a tip for you. The second barcode needs to be reverse complemented during bcl2fastq! I just felt the need to put this information out there somewhere, since it's not really documented well in the bcl2fastq user guide.
Thanks a lot! I was very useful for me!
Apparently nobody else cares. So since I posted this, I have also found that no, casava doesn't work, though you can run standalone eland if you want to (I don't).
Perhaps it is that the platform is relatively new hence people don't have experience with it. We work with HiSeq here but reading this gets me worried, it seems like a step back.
Yes. I am very interested to hear experiences with NextSeq (and BaseSpace). But we are still using HiSeq2000, HiSeq2500 and MiSeq only.
If eland is simply for QC, why can't the data just be sampled and run through any given aligner for an alignment rate?
Yeah, sampling is an option. Right now we're just doing bowtie2 alignments. The alignment results could be actually useful for analysts now versus eland.