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10.5 years ago
Hello Biostar,
I am doing denovo metagenomic assembly with one of the test data from literature to have hands on training.
I want to know how can I estimate the genome size?
Thank you. I Got your point. I have few more queries
Can you refer me with some tutorial for metagenome assembly (specifically for gut bacteria)
Thank you
Some DBG assemblers are said to work well with Metagenomes, for instances Ray was designed for that. Try a low k-mer, such as 41 and see what happens.
Maybe try an OLC assembler such as MIRA, these assemble without a k-mer and try to assemble whatever overlaps.
Lastly, you can try SPAdes, it allows usage of multiple k-mers in one assembly, so you can try and pick up low and high coverage.
Not sure about tutorials, try to find tutorials for the programs I suggested and start from there. All of these assemblers provide information on contig coverage, either in terms of nucleotide coverage or k-mer coverage, and that tells you something about the organism that contig belongs too.
Your information is really helpful because I was focusing more on Metavelvet and Meta-IDBA. Thanks a lot