The local ancestry tools with which I have worked typically output results like this:
11:51931933 01:339393929 00:1201542287
Meaning, for this chromosome, one copy is ancestry 1 from bp 1 to bp 51931933, at which point that chromosome goes from being ancestry 1 to ancestry 0. Then, at 1201542287, both chromosomes are ancestry 0 until the end of the file. This kind of output it typically for phased data.
Alternatively, you often see it just like this:
1:526278 2:2393923 4:23324187
where 1: means (for example) both copies are ancestry 1, 2: means (for example, one copy of ancestry 1 and one of ancestry 0), and so on (unphased).
Very soon, I will be representing information like this graphically in some way, unless it has already been done. So, does anyone know of tools that already do this, or that could be adapted to this more easily than I could write it myself?
Hello, Were you able to find a good visualization tool for your local ancestry estimations? I have the same output format and am seeking a good graphing tool.