I found the program mosaik in GKNO tool sets (Lee W-P, Stromberg MP, Ward A, Stewart C, Garrison EP, et al. (2014) MOSAIK: A Hash-Based Algorithm for Accurate Next-Generation Sequencing Short- Read Mapping. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90581. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090581) is a powerful mapping method. For pair-end reads, it utilizes the knowledge of approximate fragment length in library construction to rescue the ambiguously/multiple anchored read if its mate is uniquely aligned.
I am wondering whether this progam is able to process methylome data generated by MethylC-seq, and whether the above strategy is deployed in processing such data. My datasets were sequenced on HiSeq2000 with PE100 (pair-end 100bp).
Do anyone has any experience with this problem?
Zhiguang Li
looks right. at the end, you also need to recover the original reads without the in silico conversions and report those instead of the converted.
Sure... Thanks for pointing it out. (And thanks for bwameth!)
sure, glad someone is using it.
Dear Dariober,
Thanks very much for your explanation. But looks like it is pretty complicated. Do you know any public available program that can handle pair-end methylome data?
Thanks again.
Zhiguang Li
bismark, which uses bowtie or bowtie2, it's probably the most popular (and for good reason!). Recently I got pretty good results with bwameth.py, which is backed by bwa mem (see also this Bwa-Meth: Align And Tabulate Bs-Seq Reads). Definitively, unless you have a good reason to use a specific aligner, don't reinvent the wheel!
PS: Your comment should have been a "comment" not an answer.