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10.4 years ago
I have transcriptome sequencing data in .sra format. I want to do alignment and quantification. For that, I need to have transcript file in format of Fastq which is the transcript name with it's sequence.
Would someone recommend database to download the transcript file? I want for drosophila melanogaster.
First you need to convert sra (sra) into fastq (.fastq/.fq) files. Then align fastq files against reference genome to get bam (.sam/.bam) file. Then you use that bam file and transcript annotation file (gff/gff3/gtf) to get the RPKM counts.
I couldn't understand what you mean by "I need to have transcript file in format of Fastaq which is the transcript name with it's sequence."
I'm using the sailfish for quantification. It does not need reference genome, it only does need reference transcriptome.