Hello everyone, I am new to 'real' bioinformatics and have been trying to call blastn with the biopython NcbiblastnCommandline() function on a local fasta database. It does not return an error and fails to output a xml file. My blast programs work and are in the path. I can blast against the database from the terminal and I am able to access the web based NCBI blast using biopython. My os is OS X 10.8.3.
Example code:
import os
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastnCommandline as blastn
seqs = [seq_record for seq_record in SeqIO.parse('spiking.fasta','fasta')]
blast = blastn(query=TheSeq, db='repSetBlast', outfmt=5, out='blastresult.xml')
There is no output to screen, printing blast returns:
blastn -out sequence1.xml -outfmt 5 -query ID: AB
Name: AB
Description: AB
Number of features: 0
Thank you very much.
Thanks for the help. I tried your recommendations, and it seems that using the line :
resulted in execution of the command and creation of the xml file.
When I simply call blast() it does not appear to create the xml file. Is it necessary to always have the stdout, stderr for this to work? If so why? Thanks
These should both run BLAST,
The second version just discards the output, the first version stores it in the two given variables.