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10.4 years ago
I am getting p-value as "NA" eventhough the log2FC is greater than 6 for the following three transcripts. Can somebody explain me if you have across this anytime?
This would make more sense if you were using DESeq2, since then these could be genes with apparent outliers. I don't recall there being any mechanism for this in DESeq.
Regardless, you should really be using DESeq2 anyway (it has a good number of improvements).
Im tried DESeq2 for the same data and this time it is the different set transcripts which are showing "NA" as their p-value
The 3 transcripts, where p-value was "NA" for DESeq are showing p-value as 0 with DESeq2
I'd go with the DESeq2 results. There are known reasons, described in the user manual, why it will sometimes yield NA p-values.
are you using DESeq or DESeq2?
I am using DESeq.