[Samtools-announce] samtools/bcftools/htslib 1.0 released
From: John Marshall jm18@sa... - 2014-08-15 17:58:00
Major new versions of samtools and associated tools have been released. Significant changes include:
- support for CRAM, a sequence data file format with better compression than BAM
- support for BCF v2, a binary equivalent to the VCF format that is more flexible than the old BCF1
- bcftools has been split out from samtools as a fully-featured VCF/BCF manipulation toolkit
- much work on the variant calling algorithms
- replacement of samtools's SAM/BAM readers and writers with new implementations in htslib
- a more flexible API for writing programs using htslib's API rather than the old samtools bam.h (which will remain supported and usable for a while yet)
BCFtools has been significantly expanded to provide many tools for basic manipulation of VCF and BCF files. Both SAMtools and BCFtools now use HTSlib for their low-level SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF/BCF file operations. Due to these reorganisations there are many small changes and improvements -- notably most tools automatically detect what kind of input files they have been provided with.
These releases can be found at http://www.htslib.org/. Development and source code of these projects are linked from that web site and can be found in various Git repositories under https://github.com/samtools. The web site at http://samtools.sourceforge.net contains information for the old 0.1.x samtools/bcftools releases which is still useful but needs some updating for the 1.0 release.
The http://www.htslib.org website will be updated over the coming days and weeks with new workflows and updated information from the old website. It has been a long time since the last samtools release -- we anticipate making more frequent samtools, bcftools, and htslib releases in future.
The press release from the Sanger Institute may clarify some of confusion:
also this poster Future development of the Samtools software package - http://samtools.sourceforge.net/Samtools-GenomeInformatics2013.pdf
Well that clarifies some aspects for those that happen to read the press release. But that is probably a very small subset of those that use samtools.
There should be single page for samtools, preferably having the word samtools in its domain name. Then there should be a single place for documentation where it is clearly marked that there are other, older versions of samtools.
IMO usability and accessibility are more important and affect science more profoundly than adding new features.