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10.5 years ago
Hi to all R programmers I have data like this
Group position S.D
1 1 1
1 2 2
1 3 3
2 1 4
2 2 5
2 3 6
3 1 7
3 2 8
3 3 9
4 1 10
4 2 11
4 3 12
5 1 13
5 2 14
5 3 15
6 1 16
6 2 17
6 3 18
7 1 19
7 2 20
7 3 21
8 1 22
8 2 23
8 3 24
9 1 25
9 2 26
9 3 27
10 1 28
10 2 29
10 3 30
11 1 31
11 2 32
11 3 33
12 1 34
12 2 35
12 3 36
Now I want to make 12 different scatter X(S.D):Y(Position)graphs per group with same format for all the graphs at the same time. I am doing this excel but it is taking lot of time, I came to knew that it will be very easy to do this with R. Can any one help me in making these graphs? Any help would be highly appreciated
Thanks in Advance,
How is this related to bioinformatics? This looks like a pure R question (updating the post to provide biological context should suffice).
Do you want a scatterplot per group?
If you never used R befor, this would be a good task for you to learn data management and plotting in R.
There are plenty of tutorials, which exactly cover this topic. Therefore, you maybe want to try it first by yourself :)