I have a metagenome like a db, and I need to blast a genome with this metagenome, the results are very wide, and I need to extract the alignment from this result and put into a fasta file, but I can't, because the result are in a *.html file. I do this:
formatdb -i home/biolinux/Desktop/prueba/Metagenoma/l1l2/4499203.3.350.genecalling.coding.faa
blastall \
-p blastp \
-d /home/biolinux/Desktop/prueba/Metagenoma/l1l2/4499203.3.350.genecalling.coding.faa \
-T T \
-i /home/biolinux/Desktop/prueba/Nitrincola.gbk \
-o /home/biolinux/Desktop/prueba/resulnitri.html
Later I try to do a fastacmd, but I can't
What can I do?