When inputting multiple fastq files for Trinity do you put spaces or commas between the file names? The documentation says
# --seqType <string> :type of reads: ( fa, or fq )
# --JM <string> :(Jellyfish Memory) number of GB of system memory to use for
# k-mer counting by jellyfish (eg. 10G) *include the 'G' char
# If paired reads:
# --left <string> :left reads, one or more (separated by space)
# --right <string> :right reads, one or more (separated by space)
# Or, if unpaired reads:
# --single <string> :single reads, one or more (note, if single file contains pairs, can use flag: --run_as_paired )
However, in their example they have
If you have multiple sets of fastq files, such as corresponding to multiple tissue types or conditions, etc., you can indicate them to Trinity like so:
Trinity --seqType fq --JM 50G --left condA_1.fq,condB_1.fq,condC_1.fq --right condA_2.fq,condB_2.fq,condC_2.fq --CPU 6