I'm trying to generate a Position-Weighted Matrix (PWM) in Biopython from Clustalw multiple sequence alignments. I get a "Wrong Alphabet" error every time I do it with gapped alignments. From reading the documentation, I think I need to utilize the Gapped Alphabet to deal with the '-' character in gapped alignments. But when I do this, it still doesn't resolve the error. Does anyone see the problem with this code, or have a better way to generate a PWM from gapped Clustal alignments?
from Bio.Alphabet import Gapped
alignment = AlignIO.read("filename.clustalw", "clustal", alphabet=Gapped)
m = Motif.Motif()
for a in alignment:
Here's an example how to do it with with unambiguous_dna:
m = motifs.create(list, alphabet=Gapped(IUPAC.unambiguous_dna))