Hi Everyone
I'm doing some transcriptome study,and got a bunch of transcript ID and corresponding GO IDs.Now I need statistical information for GO categories and want to visualized some results for my paper.
But these genes came from a rare species,most GO soft only support several limited species;and to make it worse, the ID list was too long for most web-based GO tools.
I already tried:DAVID,BiNGO,REViGO,GiTools,some Cytoscape plugins , All Failed.
Then I ran blast2go, which took such a long time. Although I got GO IDs, b2g doesn't take them as input, it only take blast results...
Could anybody give me a clue? Soft/package to take genes name/GO_IDs as input, and export some visualized results(even do categories count will be accepted) will be fine!
Thank you! and I'm glad to share any information~
If you have transcript ids and GO ids for your entire transcriptome, you can use a fisher exact test to calculate the GO enrichment yourself. No special software is required. However, it is not clear what you actually have or do not have from your post.
Are you familiar with R and Bioconductor/BiomaRt?? What species are you working on?
I only can write Perl script,not familiar with R,But I hv good learning curve,I can learn R if necessary. It's kind of fish,similar with Takifugu rubripes.Now I have diff_exp gene/transcript ensemble IDs and sequence.After Interpro scan,also got GO IDs.