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10.3 years ago
Dear friends,
I need a help from you. I have written a perl program for KMP algorithm. program runs perfectly but it gives some warnings like, for a example as follows..
Replacement list is longer than search list at C:/Perl/site/lib/Bio/Range.pm line 251.
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at C:/Users/dell/workspace/subroutine/sub.pl line 99, <GEN0> line 2.
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at C:/Users/dell/workspace/subroutine/sub.pl line 99, <GEN0> line 2
Can somebody help me to get rid of this error...
Here is the program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::Seq;
#my $seq_obj;
my $text;
my $pattern ="TATAAAT";
my $seq_obj;
open ("OUT_PUT",">C:\\Users\\dell\\Desktop\\GGGCGG.txt");
# defining the subroutine for prefix table for my pattern
sub PreprocessTable{
# initializing first two valaue of the prefixtable array as -1 and 0
my ($i,$j) = (0,-1);
# converstion of pattern string into an array
my @PtrnArray = split //,$pattern;
# get the length/size of pattern array length
my $PtrnArrayLength = scalar @PtrnArray;
# initialize the Table array with known size(here the size of the array is 8)
# which is one index adding to the pattern array
my @TableArray;$TableArray[$PtrnArrayLength]=undef;
# assigning the value of $j which is -1 as first index value of TableArray
$TableArray[$i]= $j;
# start to generate the TableArray which give out put as -1,0,0,1,2,0,0,1
while ($i < $PtrnArrayLength){
# check whether the adjecent characters of pattern
# matching or not, if firsr condition and the adjecent
# two characters arenot match inner while loop is running
while ($j >=0 && $PtrnArray[$i] ne $PtrnArray[$j]){
# if inner loop running, assigne first index value of
# Tabale Array as -1
$j= $TableArray[$j];
# increment both $i,$j
# output gives as -1,0,0,1,2,0,0,1
# return the TabaleArray for the further manupulation with KMPalgoSearch subroutine
return (@TableArray)
# pass the argument, in my case I am passing $pattern in order to
# generate the TableArray i.e. prefixtable
# defining the pattern matching subroutine
sub KMPalgoSearch{
# open thw sequence files which is in fasta format
my $seqio_obj = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => "C:\\Users\\dell\\Desktop\\first.fasta", -format => "fasta",-alphabet => "dna");
# read one sequence at a time
while ($seq_obj = $seqio_obj->next_seq){
# print the sequence ID,sequence description,sequence
# this helps to upload all the sequences to Exel ot Access database
my $count=0;
my $text = $seq_obj->seq;
my $len =length($text);
# initialize the two scalar variable $i, $j with 0
my ($i, $j) =(0,0);
# call the PreprocessTable subroutine and pass $pattern as its argument
# and this is assign to the TableArray as return from PreprocessTable subroutine
my (@TableArray)= PreprocessTable($pattern);
# both pattern and text coming to this subroutine as string
# now convert both pattern and text into array for the further manipulation
# within this subroutine
my @pattern=split //,$pattern;
my @text = split // ,$text;
# obtain and assigne the length/size of both pattern and text arrays
my $ptrnLen = scalar @pattern;
my $textLen = scalar @text;
# this regular expression used to print the sequences that do not having pattern
if( $text !~ m/TATAAAT/g && $count==0){
OUT_PUT -> print ($seq_obj->display_id);
# start to match the pattern charactoers with text characters
while ( $i < $textLen){
while ( $j >= 0 && $text[$i] ne $pattern[$j]){
# if first condition and the pattern and text characters are not match
# have to refer the prefix table which is generated by first subroutine
# since it has called within KMPalgoSearch subroutine now refering fisrt
# value of TableArray which is -1 and continue untill mach encount
$j= $TableArray[$j];
# return the match position of text once the pattern length and $j equals to each other
# $count helpls to get the perticular sequence only
if ($j==$ptrnLen && $count==0){
# here return the match position.I added +1 to get the actual position
# since ($i-$ptrnLen) return the index
OUT_PUT -> print ( $seq_obj->display_id,";",$seq_obj->desc,";",($i-$ptrnLen+1));
$count = $count+1;
# if #count >0 print only location ,here I omit the douplicate printing of seq ID
elsif( $j==$ptrnLen && $count>0){
OUT_PUT -> print (";",($i-$ptrnLen+1));
# print a new line after the whlie loop before take second text string
OUT_PUT -> print ("\n");
print "done","\n" ;
# pass the arguments, here pass both $text and $pattern
Thank you
Do you just not understand what the error messages are telling you?
This is probably more appropriate for stackoverflow or a perl forum.
According to the warning message, it indicates that I have some uninitialized string at,
while ( $j >= 0 && $text[$i] ne $pattern[$j])
line...but ..I have no such uninitialized variables....this is the way I understood...I may wrong...can you suggest why this happen....?For what it's worth, I don't receive any error when I run that code, though I just used a very short input fasta file.
thank you friend, but I don't understand why I still having such a warning. I run the perl program in eclipse..did you run the program in linux?
Yeah, I use Linux, so perhaps that's the reason (I really haven't a clue). I would strongly recommend you to post this on a Perl forum. Someone there is likely to be more helpful.
Thank you Devon
HI Devon,
I found something..the first warning ,
Replacement list is longer than search list at C:/Perl/site/lib/Bio/Range.pm line 251.
is due to the version variation. I did run the program in Linux with perl 5.14 instead perl 5.16 in my windows it did not give a warningSimilarly for the second warning,
simply overcome using ,
now my program is running without warnings.
Anyway thank you very much for your support
shouldn't you be storing the results of
in some variable?