Hi all
I have 300 sheets in an excel file. I need only Sequence identity data from this file. This data is in 9th column. I imported all sequence identity values from 300 sheets in to R using the following code.
library(gdata) myfile<-NULL; for (i in 1:300)
{ myfile[[i]]<-read.xls("C://Users//Desktop//mydata.xls",sheet=i,head=F)[,9] } .
Next I have to apply distance formula and to create a matrix. The formula is
distance= 100-sequenceidentity.
How to apply this formula in R and how can I create a matrix ?
You did not tell us how many rows there are on each sheet. Is it only one, multiple values per sheet and if multiple values, always the same number?
Sanju, what options did you already try?
@ Ido tamir first sheet contains 230 rows and 10 columns. second sheet contains 229 rows. 3rd sheet contains 228 rows and so on. But no:of columns(10 columns) are same in all sheets.
@Egon, I tried dist.alignment function to generate a distance matrix. But I got error because my file is not an aligned file. It is an excel file. My aim is to generte distance matrix using the following formula. Distance = 100-sequenceidentity. My sequence identity values are in 9th column.