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10.3 years ago
I have to select variants sites from my sample which are not present in the control samples. I have tried this:
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-R /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/1data/GRCm38_68.fa \
-T CombineVariants \
-V:CON1 /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/Tools/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/control/8404.vcf \
-V:CON2 /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/Tools/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/control/8405.vcf \
-V:CON3 /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/Tools/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/control/8406.vcf \
-V:CON4 /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/Tools/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/control/8407.vcf \
-V:CON5 /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/Tools/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/control/8408.vcf \
-V:TED /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/Tools/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/parental_22.vcf \
-o result101.vcf && \
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-R /Users/bhaskaran/Desktop/1data/GRCm38_68.fa \
-T SelectVariants -V result101.vcf \
-select "set == 'TED'" -o result102.vcf
Unfortunately, this command outputs absolutely no variant. No error message occurred. Is some one could help me?
I tried with individual file also ..But it is still showing no variants present.....
Vivek as per your suggestion I tried this:
and then
again I'm getting no result. But when I compared this file manually I could find many variants in my sample that are not found in controls
I'm not sure how you are doing a manual check. Do you want the variant to NOT be present in atleast one control or ANY control?
Can you post what you get from
I want variant not be present in a tleast one control. I got this result..
That pretty much tells you that you have 3,937,677 variants in the VCF file and all of them are common to all samples.
OK. But I have a doubt. When I saw the
for example at chrm 1 position -Does that mean for my sample, the variant at position 3010834 is present whereas it is absent in the controls...sorry if I'm wrong...
That looks like that variant was not called in the first 5 samples but if that were the case, GATK shouldn't tell you that its in set=intersection. You could look at the individual control sample VCFs and check if that variant entry is present in them and if so what genotype it has.
You are correct. I'm trying the way as you said..
Its not geting