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10.5 years ago
Hi, I used HaplotypeCaller to call Indels and SNPs on my 30 samples and I separated the SNPs and Indels into 2 different files using SelectVariant tool.
I got 1954 SNPs and Indels in combination (in raw files), but after selection, I got only 277 indels and 1666 SNPs (in total only 1943, different from its raw file).
Why is it happening?
Many thanks before.
Could you provide the commands that you used to split the variants and to count them?
Hi, Pawel.
I used the
tool (-T SelectVariants
) and-selectType INDEL
for INDEL calling or-selectType SNP
for SNP calling. But, fortunately I have found the answer, the 11 missing samples were mixed Indel/SNP sites, so the tool could not determine and split them. Thanks anyway.