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10.3 years ago
I notice that there're two non-overlapping genes (PHLDB3, ETHE1) , but they have the same XLOC id = XLOC_018276
cuffmerge's output - merged.gtf
gene_id "XLOC_018276"; transcript_id "TCONS_00085241"; exon_number "16"; gene_name "PHLDB3"; oId "NM_198850"; nearest_ref "NM_198850"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS34843"; p_id "P15382";
chr19 Cufflinks
exon 44009900
44009902 .
- .
gene_id "XLOC_018276"; transcript_id "TCONS_00085242"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "ETHE1"; oId "CUFF.30707.12"; nearest_ref "NM_014297"; class_code "j"; tss_id "TSS34842";
chr19 Cufflinks
exon 44010944
44011054 .
Thus, when I run cuffdiff, I get one value of fold change for both genes.
test_id gene_id gene locus sample_1 sample_2 status value_1 value_2 log2(fold_change of value2/value1) test_stat p_value q_value significant
XLOC_018276 XLOC_018276 ETHE1,PHLDB3 chr19:43978502-44031860 tumor normal OK 222.08 450.931 1.02183 1.29159 0.00005 0.00321114 yes
How do I get separate fold changes for ETHE1 and PHLDB3?
If you look at your alignments, do you see a lot of reads mapping in between the two genes? Cufflinks will merge them in that case.
There are more reads in ETHE1 than PHLDB3 , it doesn't seem like cufflink should merge them. I have attached a screen shot of igv
N.B., I updated your post so that the image shows.
My guess is that cufflinks sees the reads between the two genes as joining them. They may in fact be transcribed as a unit sometimes, so cufflinks might not be wrong in doing that.