Hi, I am attempting to use the blast_formatter included with Blast+ 2.2.24 to convert a blast archive file to xml format. However, I get this error message when I run the command:
BLAST Database error: Nucleotide BLAST database 'beij' does not exist in the NCBI servers
Here is the command I'm running:
blast_formatter -archive beij_archive.asn -outfmt 5 -out beij_archive.xml
I tried this:
blast_formatter -db $HOME"/beijerinckia_indica_subsp_indica_atcc_9039/beij" \
-archive beij_archive.asn -outfmt 5 -out beij.xml
But I get an error that db is not a supported option. How do I specify the local DB I used to generate the archive file? Or is there something I'm missing.
Thanks for your help!
As blast_formatter is relatively new and it does not seem to support local databases in 2.2.23+, maybe there is still a bug in 2.2.24+. Have you tried it with the newest one as well?
I'm getting the same error in 2.2.25+.