Dear friends
I need to compare TFs bind with set of human genes promoters and relevant first introns So I need to find out transcription factors and consensus sequence/s of their binding sites. I went through some data bases,such as -oreganno (which is not up dated to date,but having set of sequences and their consensus)...considering more reliable database, I went through JASPER.. but I could not download all consensus sequence of human TFs. Similarly I went through MotifMap database also it also having consensus but i could not download them..
So I need help to do that..........
Thank you
Thank you very much Alex. actually i need to do the following task. I have about set genes and I downloaded appropriate promoter and first intron sequence for every gene. I need to find out functional significance of first intron.So I though to compare and contrast, how the promoters and the first intron interact with known set of TFs. in this case I need to compare how much both promoter and first intron share TFBS. that is why I thought to get the consensus sequence of TFBS and do the comparison...
I downloded Motis sites from JASPER. but such sequences also having some other sequence segments along with consensus sequence. then I found some TFs and binding site from OregAnno database also having TFBS but it is not updated...MotifMap alos having but difficult to get the PASAR .. I have to go TF by TF factor to get sequences....
Actually I did not understand what you meant to obtain by interest seq along with PWM..
Can I get suggestions....