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11.3 years ago
vcflib looks great! To get started I need a bit of direction on filtering using vcffilter. Specifically, does it work on string type info tags? Also, can one group expressions similar to test5 below? I tried it on dbSNP138 clinical and ran into some problems.
Best, Daryl
### dbSNP138
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/organisms/human_9606/VCF/clinvar_20130808.vcf.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/organisms/human_9606/VCF/clinvar_20130808.vcf.gz.tbi
### test1 and test2 work but not test3-5
vcffilter -f "PM" clinvar_20130808.vcf.gz > test1.vcf # PM is a flag
vcffilter -f "COMMON = 1" clinvar_20130808.vcf.gz > test2.vcf # COMMON is a integer
vcffilter -f "CLNSIG = 4" clinvar_20130808.vcf.gz > test3.vcf # CLINSIG and CLNORIGIN are strings
vcffilter -f "CLNORIGIN = 4" clinvar_20130808.vcf.gz > test4.vcf
vcffilter -f "(COMMON = 0) & (MUT | PM | CLNSIG = 3 | CLNSIG = 4 | CLNORGIN = 4 | CLNORGIN = 32)" 00-All.vcf.gz > test5.vcf
So the problem is that you have an integer in your filter, but it's a String type in the file...