Hi all,
I am dealing with the blastn proctocal to scan the region without any homo information.
However, for those regions sharing huge homologous sequences, the blast will generate huge data and take a lot of time.
Therefore, I want to limit the output to those best hits, for example, top 20.
The command I used is as follows,
blastn \
-task blastn-short \
-db /data/WholeGenomeFasta/blast+/genome \
-query 1.fa \
-evalue 0.01 \
-num_threads 8 \
-outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid nident sstart send" \
-num_alignments 20
However, it seems that the parameter num_alignments
did not work.
If there is any possible method I can do such a thing, and can I print the 20 alignments that sorted by the total identical counts?
Just to clarify, when you say your approach doesn't work, do you mean that regardless of the options you pass, the blastn takes a very long time, or do you mean that the ultimate output contains too many records?
Which Blast version are you using?
2.2.9 blast+