I am working in a biocompany and I have to analyse SNP data using Perl. I have some problem understanding SNP data. Could you please show me where to find basic information on SNPs and analysis of SNP data. Thanks you so much.
I am working in a biocompany and I have to analyse SNP data using Perl. I have some problem understanding SNP data. Could you please show me where to find basic information on SNPs and analysis of SNP data. Thanks you so much.
Could you give an example about what kind of questions you would like to address? Not understanding SNP data sounds almost like you might want to start reading up on it on any source like wikipedia.
A simple starting point for "studying" known features of your given SNP would just be looking in any Genome Browsers (for example in Ensembl: http://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Variation/Summary?r=12:79911187-79912187;v=rs1553525;vdb=variation;vf=21330552 this is the standard overview page of a random human SNP, you can change to page to add more information tracks depending on your question and what you're looking for).
But to better help you it would be better to tell us what you like to address, how many SNPs you've got, why it has to be Perl and any other relevant facts.
You could use things like Biomart for finding dbSNP identifiers if you want to find other known features.
What do you not understand about your data? It looks pretty much straight forward, as you got position + some info for locations in the genome. What do you want to do with this? Can you post some lines of your SNP data and then the questions you like to address?
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You'll get better answers if you improve this question by describing your problem more specifically. If the problem is "I know nothing about SNPs", a basic web search is the place to start.
Hi, please work on that question by editing it, stating what you already tried, give an excerpt of your data. Otherwise the question will be voted down, which would be justified but unpleasant for all sides!