Hi All
Just wondering how can i find out given a sam/bam file how many read pairs are mate pairs ie facing outwards (<--- --->) and how many of them are paired end i.e (----> <-----).
__________________ = Reference
<-------- ---------> = Mate Pairs
--------> <---------- = Paired Ends
I can visually see the difference on a browser but if I want to numerically find out based on sam flag I am not able to come up with a right combination.
Do you happen to know which aligners count mate pairs as properly paired, which do not? Thanks!
In case someone is wondering where the #s come from here is a useful translation tool: http://picard.sourceforge.net/explain-flags.html
@swbarnes2 : thanks for your comments. I did not mention but in case the read 1/2 alignments are done separately and manual pariring is done then we wont have the insert size rather insert needs to be calculated. Can anything be applied in that case. The kind of data that I have doesnt go well with the default pairing algo eg. BWA. Also could you say what is the significance of negative isize