As the question declares I want to know how pacbio quality is calculated?
If I am using the SMRT portal for example RS_Subreads.1
In the filtering process It will give me this values
SFilter v1
Minimum Subread Length 50
Minimum Polymerase Read Quality 75
Minimum Polymerase Read Length 50
I can change It but how it is calculated?
I know that there is two basic steps the Basic analysis step which begins with movie -> puls -> kinetic measures -> and at last bases
the second step which is called secondary analysis, using the smrt portal which I can change the numbers in each algorithm but how it is related to the main sequences?
The definition is great. But it doesn't explain clearly how to calculate this QVs using a bam file obtained by mapping reads against the consensus using balsr and/or hisat2 for example?
Are there a list of tools to use to do such a calculation
Thank you in advance