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10.2 years ago
I am trying to convert a bigwig file to a wig file to run through sitepro. I tried using the ucsc tool bigWigToWig and I get a file that looks like this:
#bedGraph section chr1:0-3079820
chr1 0 3001030 0
chr1 3001030 3001060 2.41
chr1 3001060 3001230 4.83
chr1 3001230 3001270 2.41
chr1 3001270 3002330 0
chr1 3002330 3002380 4.83
chr1 3002380 3002540 9.65
chr1 3002540 3002590 4.83
chr1 3002590 3003210 0
However, sitepro is choking on this wig file. I normally use wig files generated by MACS, which have a much different formatting:
track type=wiggle_0 name="macs_output_treat_all" description="Extended tag pileup from MACS version 1.4.2 20120305 for every 10 bp"
variableStep chrom=chr1 span=10
3001071 1
3001081 2
3001091 2
3001101 2
3001111 2
3001121 2
3001131 2
3001141 2
Why is the ucsc bigWigToWig tool giving me a bedgraph file rather than a wig file?
Thanks! That script worked beautifully!