What informatics methods are available to compare the DNA methylation of different species with each other. I would like to talk particularly with respect to this paper. Can anybody provide me step by step details of how to achieve something similar as shown in Figure 2.b of the paper.
Also I am fuzzy about how they used "46 mammals multiple sequence alignment" to compare DNA methylation. I would be happy if somebody could give me a more detailed explaination or steps to go about doing that as paper does not clearly describes that.
In addition to that I would also like to know what methods people generally use when they compare cross species epigenetics data in particular DNA methylation data and what bioinformatics methods already exist to compare cross species DNA methylation.
Wouldn't it be nice if Nature and other so-called high-impact journals paid as much attention to the communication of methods as they do to the results. The answer to this kind of question is always "you more or less have to guess", because they do not.
I know very nice examples (PNAS) where they publish all the code. Pity, this happens very rarely.
Hi Neil,
Do you know of anybody who can answer the above question. Not really relating with the paper reference rather a general question "What all informatics approaches are available to compare DNA methylation across species"