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10.2 years ago
I want to know if there is any way using the bedtools and miRdeep2 output bed file to get the rRNA ratio in my miRNAseq fastq data. Thank you very much!
I have a gtf file, a genome.fa, a bed file from the miRdeep2. Thanks!
Why don't you just align to an rRNA fasta file and then count the reads? That'd be quick and easy.
Thank you for this idea! Here is what I did:
I downloaded the sequence
from Ensembl.And from this I pulled out all rRNA sequences here:
and then I build a bowtie2 index for this
and then I did:
I don't really care about the sam file but from the output oe file I got:
Does this make sense? I doubted it but I am not sure where the problem is. Any suggestions?
Without checking, my guess is that your awk command isn't sufficient to print the entire sequence. rRNAs can be quite large, so you'll miss a lot of sequence unless it's all on one line.
Hi Devon,
Here the ncrna.fa is quite small, only 998K. It contains only 7228 lines and 3614 sequences. There are only 504 rRNA sequences there.
Fair enough then. That does seem to be too low an alignment number, though. Are these raw reads or is this after collapsing things?