Dear all,
I'm looking for tool or pipeline for visualization of NGS data obtained from target enrichment approach.
Our custom panel consists of approximately 100 genes, and I must find a way to visualize the result in an understandable for clinicist form. It seems to me that the most appropriate tool for that is the circos chart, but I have no idea where to start and what tools I should handle our bam/bad/fastq data.
If you can help, here is drawing, as I see it:
Artem, if you are familiar with R try circlize (, it's R package for circos like figures.
Thank you for a concrete reply, now I began to understand that the main problem is not in visualization (there are many tools for that), but in the data preparation process. And the question is: using what methods and in what format should I convert my data so the result will be the information suitable for visualization?
The best thing you can do is learn Circos. It is the original and provides the most functionality of all the "circularized" visualization packages. The documentation explains precisely how to format your data and there are numerous tutorial examples provided to demonstrate all of the various visualization subcategories.