Hi all,
Every now and then I see BAQ values of 0 in samtools' mpileups. I thought I understood the overall concept (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21320865), but now I'm not sure anymore. Does a value of 0 indicate this base is misaligned for sure? How can that ever be the case? Also, I see this happening in nicely aligned regions (all MQ60; not a lot of SNVs) with no indels nearby. It's seems to be mainly happening close to the end of reads and I see the same behaviour in samtools 0.1.19 and 1.0.
Here's an example: how can the second C every get a BAQ of 0?
Pileup information first (with base qualities translated into phred scores), followed by a screenshot of tview:
# BAQ off
samtools mpileup -B -Q 0 $BAM -f $REF -r chrX:46918110-46918110
chrX 46918110 G 21 cc,c,,,,,.c.,,..,..., 30 34 36 38 38 38 37 34 34 38 37 39 35 39 38 37 35 32 34 29 36
# BAQ on
samtools mpileup -Q 0 $BAM -f $REF -r chrX:46918110-46918110
chrX 46918110 G 21 cc,c,,,,,.c.,,..,..., 4 0 36 38 38 38 37 34 34 38 37 39 35 39 38 37 35 32 34 29 36
# extended BAQ
samtools mpileup -E -Q 0 $BAM -f $REF -r chrX:46918110-46918110
chrX 46918110 G 21 cc,c,,,,,.c.,,..,..., 4 0 36 38 38 38 37 34 34 38 37 39 35 39 38 37 35 32 34 29 36
Screenshot of tview of the same region:
Can anyone explain this?
Many thanks,
Cross-posted on samtools-help on 2014-10-13