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10.2 years ago
I have made a blast protein database with this command:
./makeblastdb -in input.fsa -out prot.db -dbtype prot -hash_index
It has generated 8 files as follows:
prot.db.phd prot.db.phi prot.db.phr prot.db.pin prot.db.pog prot.db.psd prot.db.psi prot.db.psq
I have put everything in one folder called prot.db and now want to run the blastp with this command:
blastp -db prot.db/ -query pep.fa -out results.out
But it gives me the following error which I don't understand how to solve:
BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for protein database [prot.db/] in search path
I have been looking around to find a solution but I don't understand how I should proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
The error indicates the file stated in your
is not a database file or it cannot find it. Therefore, make sure it was made into a BLASTable database by running