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10.3 years ago
I have analysed few affymetrix CEL fiiles, then prepared normalised data as excel using Bioconductor.
Now I would like to know how I can determine the possible list of genes from that. I have used 2 methods for the normalization, namely RMA and mas5
You'll want to stay within R rather than going to Excel.
Which microarray exactly? There are annotation files for most of the common ones in Bioconductor.
How can I get those annotation files?
Have a look at, for example, this page. Find the appropriate package for the array you used, click on its page and follow the installation instructions. There are also usage instructions there as well, though you may or may not find them very informative (they're not always that geared toward absolute beginners, unfortunately).
I have installed this through this command in bioconductor earlier itself
Then you can use the
object. Have a read through the AnnotationDbi "how to" for more useful usage examples.I had been analysing the CEL files using altanalyse. but could not find proper results
These are the parameters I have used.
method : moderated t-test
considered adj pvalue and fold change 2 , which is default in altanalyse
any suggestions please?